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Session is a way to store data that is re-used across your components. Its design is fully isomorphic making it work for Server (for server-side rendering), Client (react), or React Native.


npm i -S @bluelibs/x-ui-session-bundle
import { Kernel } from "@bluelibs/core";import { XUII18NBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-i18n-bundle";import { XUIReactBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-react-bundle";
const kernel = new Kernel({  bundles: [    new XUIReactBundle(),    new XUISessionBundle({      defaults: {},    }),  ],});


We often need to store values somewhere that we later use it in our application, sometimes those values we want to be persisted in localStorage or somewhere so after refresh they can still be accessed.

useUISession() is a hook that allows for handling sessions easily. You can and add custom handlers on field change and persist the data to local storage.

In order to modify the interface and benefit of autocompletion, you have to extend it:

import "@bluelibs/x-ui-session-bundle";
declare module "@bluelibs/x-ui-session-bundle" {  export interface IXUISessionStore {    csrfToken: string;  }}

The hook provides the following methods:

import {  useUISession,  UISessionStateChangeEvent,} from "@bluelibs/x-ui-session-bundle";
function Component() {  const session = useUISession();
  /* returns the value of a field. */  const csrfToken = session.get("csrfToken");
  const onButtonClick = async () => {    // To illustrate asynchronicity    await session.set(fieldName, value, {      // If you want this to be persisted to localStorage (on refresh) use perrsist: true      persist: true,    });  };}


import {  useUISession,  useGuardian,  UISessionEventChangeHandler,} from "@bluelibs/x-ui-session-bundle";
// We define the handler: what to do when a field changes?const authenticationDateHandler: UISessionEventChangeHandler = (event) => {  const {    data: { value, previousValue },  } = event;
  console.log("Values have changed: ", { value, previousValue });};
function Component() {  const session = useUISession();
  // The get() is reactive, whenever sent.  const lastAuthenticationDate = session.get("lastAuthenticationDate");
  useEffect(() => {    session.onSet("lastAuthenticationDate", authenticationDateHandler);
    return () => {      // just ensure the function is the same reference as the onSet one.      session.onSetRemove("lastAuthenticationDate", authenticationDateHandler);    };  }, []);
  return (    <div>      {/* ...login form */}      Last authentication: {lastAuthenticationDate?.toDateString()}    </div>  );}

If you want to load the defaults of a session from somewhere (for example, in React Native you would need to hook-up an event on: UISesssionInitialisingEvent and UISessionEventChangeHandler to communicate with AsyncStorage):

class UIAppBundle extends Bundle {  async prepare() {    this.eventManager.addListener(UISesssionInitialisingEvent, async (e) => {      Object.assign(, {        // Fetch some default data, if you're on the server for example from cookies, or        // if you are on React Native from AsyncStorage      });    });
    this.eventManager.addListener(UISessionEventChangeHandler, async (e) => {      if ( {        // Also store it inside async storage      }    });  }}