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React Router

The purpose of this package is to enable type-safe routing that would allow other bundles to enhance:


npm i -S @bluelibs/x-ui-react-bundle @bluelibs/x-ui-react-router-bundle
import { Kernel } from "@bluelibs/core";import { XUIReactBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-react-bundle";import { XUIReactRouterBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-react-router-bundle";
const kernel = new Kernel({  bundles: [new XUIReactBundle(), new XUIReactRouterBundle()],});


We add routes through the XRouter. Routes are added programatically. Behind the scenes we use react-router-dom:

import { Bundle } from "@bluelibs/core";
export class UIAppBundle extends Bundle {  async init() {    const router = this.container.get(XRouter);
    router.add({      HOME: {        path: "/",        component: () => <h1>Hello world!</h1>,        // All other properties from react-router-dom can be added here      },    });  }}

Our strong recommendation is to never rely on strings for routes, this is why we recommend that you use unique constants for their name.

Managing Routes:

export const HOME = {  path: "/",  component: () => <h1>Hello world!</h1>,};
export const USER_VIEW = {  path: "/users/:_id",  // Route parameters are injected in the component's props  component: ({ _id }) => <h1>Hello user {_id}!</h1>,};
export const SEARCH = {  path: "/search",  // Query variables (/search?q=something), are all injected inside `queryVariables` property  component: ({ queryVariables }) => (    <h1>You are searching {queryVariables.q}</h1>  ),};

And now simply add them in your bundle like this:

import * as Routes from "./routes";
// The function from the Bundleclass UIAppBundle extends Bundle {  async init() {    const router = this.container.get(XRouter);
    router.add(Routes);  }}

Using the link and generating it:

import { useRouter } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-router-bundle";import * as Routes from "{path}/routes.ts";import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
function Component() {  // router.path gets you the path  // router.go also pushes it to history
  const router = useRouter();
  return (    <div>      <Link to={router.path(HOME)}>Home Link</Link>      <button onClick={() => router.go(HOME)}>Take me home</button>      <Link to={router.path(USER_VIEW, { params: { _id: "123" } })}>        Parameter Login      </Link>      <Link to={router.path(SEARCH, { query: { q: "value" } })}>Home Link</Link>    </div>  );}


Events are very useful when you want to extend the IRoute from @bluelibs/x-ui-router and you can enhance it, adding things such as roles permissions and properly secure your routes, or anything else basically, the idea is that certain route properties can affect how the component is rendered.

class UIAppBundle extends Bundle {  async prepare() {    this.eventManager.addListener(RoutingPreparationEvent, async (e) => {      //    });  }}