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We use Guardian for authentication & authorisation. The logic is built around a smart class which communicates with the server via GraphQL, providing authentication methods for register, login, logout, changePassword, forgotPassword, resetPassword or verifyEmail.

The guardian is designed to be compatible with XAuthBundle on the server.

It also handles fetching the user data using the me standard query, but this behavior can be later changed.


npm i -S @bluelibs/x-ui-guardian-bundle @bluelibs/ui-apollo-bundle @bluelibs/x-ui-react-bundle
import { Kernel } from "@bluelibs/core";import { UIApolloBundle } from "@bluelibs/ui-apollo-bundle";import { XUIReactBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-react-bundle";import { XUIGuardianBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-guardian-bundle";
const kernel = new Kernel({  bundles: [    new UIApolloBundle(),    new XUIReactBundle(),    new XUIGuardianBundle(),  ],});


import { useGuardian } from "@bluelibs/x-ui-guardian-bundle";
function Component() {  const guardian = useGuardian();
  // Work with it via event handlers, ofcourse:  guardian    .login("username", "password")    .then((result) => {      // Handle    })    .catch((err) => {      // Handle    });}

Beside logging in you can do a lot of cool things:

guardian.forgotPassword("EMAIL_ADDRESS"); // sends email if it exists, does not expose// the username is optionalguardian.resetPassword(username, token, newPassword); // the token received by email from forgot passguardian.verifyEmail("EMAIL_TOKEN"); // verifies your email address so it marks it in the databaseguardian.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword); // changes your pw

Let's use guardian in our components:

function TopBar() {  const guardian = useGuardian();
  const {    // This happens on first page load, if the Guardian has finished reading the token and fetching the user (if exists)    initialised,    isLoggedIn,    // This happens when Guardian initialises and the stored token has expired and can no longer be used    hasInvalidToken,    // This is true after logging in, or when initialising we fetch the user via me() query    // This gets false after the me() query has returned or errored    fetchingUserData,    user,  } = guardian.state;
  // In this realm the component will re-render automatically if the user logs in, just use the variables from state.
  // it checks for roles: []  const isAdmin = guardian.hasRole(Roles.ADMIN);}

The user type is the default one from XAuthBundle:

type GuardianUserType = {  _id: string | object | number;  profile: {    firstName: string;    lastName: string;  };  roles: string[];  email: string;};

Extending the Guardian

There are several reasons you would want to extend the guardian, most popular being

  1. Change registration input
  2. Fetch different set of data of the logged in user
import {  GuardianSmart,  GuardianUserType,  GuardianUserRegistrationType,} from "@bluelibs/x-ui-guardian-bundle";
// configure your types, optionally extend the default guardian user types we importedtype AppUserType = GuardianUserType & {  profile: {    fullName: string;    gamerScore: number;  };};
class AppGuardianSmart extends GuardianSmart<AppUserType> {  retrieveUser(): Promise<AppUserType> {    // you have access to this.authenticationToken    return this.apolloClient      .query({        // custom query        fullName: 1,        gamerScore: 1,      })      .then((response) => {        return;      });  }}

We specify this class when we initialise XUIBundle():

new XUIGuardianBundle({  guardianClass: AppGuardianSmart,});

And voila!

The register calls the registration mutation with the GraphQL input: RegistrationInput. It's enough to change the input on the server-side by overriding registration mutation in XAuthBundle.

However if you want to extend the interface of Guardian, meaning you add other methods or add other variables to the existing methods, then besides overriding the guardianClass you need to create your own hook, to benefit of autocompletion.

const useAppGuardian = (): AppGuardianSmart => {  return useGuardian() as AppGuardianSmart;};


GuardianUserRetrievedEventAfter the user is fetched from the API we launch this event giving you a chance to do other operationsdata.user : UserType