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This package from X-Framework gives you fully integrated passwords system, with GraphQL endpoints and customisable emails. This bundle makes use of the original PasswordBundle to allow-it plug-in into your X-stack.


import { XPasswordBundle } from "@bluelibs/x-password-bundle";
// For this to work you need the following: SecurityBundle, ApolloBundle, ApolloSecurityBundle, SecurityMongoBundle, XBundle
kernel.addBundle(new XPasswordBundle());

Ensure you have a type user in your graphql, or disable the me query:

type User {  _id: ObjectID!}
new XPasswordBundle({  graphql: {    queries: {      me: false,    },  },});


We have the following emails setup:

  1. Welcome once that user has registered
  2. Verify Email when we want to verify the user's email
  3. Forgot Password to receive the reset password link on your email
  4. Reset Password Confirmation after you've reset your password you'll get a confirmation.

All these emails can be overriden like this:


import { IReactEmailTemplate } from "@bluelibs/email-bundle";import { IWelcomeEmailProps } from "@bluelibs/x-password-bundle";
export const CustomWelcomeEmail: IReactEmailTemplate<IWelcomeEmailProps> = (  props) => (  <div>    <p>Hello {},</p>    Go here: <a href={props.welcomeUrl}>{props.welcomeUrl}</a>    <p>      Regards, <br />      {props.regardsName}    </p>  </div>);
new XPasswordBundle({  emails: {    templates: {      welcome: CustomWelcomeEmail,      verifyEmail: "...",      forgotPassword: "...",      resetPasswordConfirmation: "...",    },  },});

Registration Flow

  • User registers with firstName, lastName, email and password
  • We assume that the username will be the email. This can be customised by you.
  • If verify email is enabled, the VerifyEmail will be sent (if sendEmailVerification )
    • After the email gets verified, the WelcomeEmail is sent (if sendWelcomeEmail is enabled)
  • If verify email is disabled and sendWelcomeEmail is enabled, the WelcomeEmail will be initially sent.

By default user is able to login without having the email verified. However, using the emails.requiresEmailVerificationBeforeLoggingIn config on the bundle, this will not be an option. The register will return a null token and user cannot login until his email gets verified.

This is done by playing with isEnabled from IUser which doesn't allow the user to login.

After email gets verified, isEnabled is marked as true.


If you later introduce processes of email verification (like when he changes the email, etc) please note that we mark isEnabled to true. So if you have suspended the user and somehow he can request an email verification, be careful.


You can also modify the paths based on the X-Framework application url:

new XPasswordBundle({  emails: {    paths: {      welcomePath: "/welcome",      resetPasswordPath: "/reset-password/:token",      verifyEmailPath: "/verify-email/:token",    },  },});

Other Configuration

new XPasswordBundle({  emails: {    applicationName: "My App";    regardsName: "My App Team";    // Sometimes the email verification can be the welcome one    // In that case, don't send an welcome email and customise your email verification one    sendEmailVerification: true;    sendWelcomeEmail: true;  }  // Don't allow users with email unverified to login:  requiresEmailVerificationBeforeLoggingIn: false,})


Once you added this bundle, you will see some mutations appearing in your GraphQL docs, these can be toggled on/off using this:

// The configuration is:export interface IXPasswordBundleConfig {  graphql: {    mutations: {      register: boolean;      changePassword: boolean;      login: boolean;      logout: boolean;      resetPassword: boolean;      forgotPassword: boolean;      verifyEmail: boolean;    };  };}

Custom Registration

By default registration accepts firstName, lastName, email and password. If you have a more complex registration, we recommend disabling register mutation as shown above and implement your own:

input RegisterInput {  email: String!  password: String!  firstName: String!  lastName: String!}
type RegisterResponse {  token: String}
type Mutation {  register(input: RegisterInput!): RegisterResponse}
import { IGraphQLContext, InputType } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";import { RegisterInput, XPasswordService } from "@bluelibs/x-password-bundle";
class MyCustomInput extends RegisterInput {  age: string;}
function register(_, args: InputType<RegisterInput>, context: IGraphQLContext) {  const { input } = args;  const xPasswordService = context.container.get(XPasswordService);
  const { email, password, firstName, lastName } = input;  const { userId, token } = xPasswordService.register({    email,    password,    firstName,    lastName,  });
  // Do additional operations, call another service with the "age" part.  return {    token,  };}

Override Logic

You can modify behavior of your mutation resolvers by creating your own XPasswordService:

import { RegistrationInput, XPasswordService } from "@bluelibs/x-password-bundle";
class MyXPasswordService extends XPasswordService {  register(input: RegistrationInput) {    // Do your thingie here.    // Or you can disable the mutation, and simply implement your own.  }}
// XPasswordBundle({  services: {    XPasswordService: MyXPasswordService,  },});