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npm install --save @bluelibs/graphql-bundle graphql
import { GraphQLBundle } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
const kernel = new Kernel({  bundles: [new GraphQLBundle()],});


The GraphQL Bundle is an abstract way to load your Type Definitions, Resolvers, Scalars, Context Transformers in a unified place. We made this design choice to be able to hook it with any kind of GraphQL server without making any change to your code. For example, if there's another bundle that instantiates a GraphQL server, you can later swap it for let's say a serverless bundle without making any changes to your code.

Besides this loading strategy this bundle comes with:

  • Mechanism to automatically load GraphQL files based on file system conventions
  • A composition strategy for your resolvers to re-use code (we call them executors)
  • Automatic type and resolver merging


We load our type definitions from all the bundles via the Loader service:

import { Loader } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
class AppBundle extends Bundle {  async init() {    // Or inside prepare() phase of your Bundle    const loader = this.container.get(Loader);
    loader.load({      // Can also be array of strings      typeDefs: `        type Query {          sayHello: String        }      `,
      // Can also be array of resolvers      resolvers: {        Query: {          sayHello: () => "Hello world!",        },      },
      // Can also be array of objects      schemaDirectives: {        name: MyDirective,      },
      // Can be array of functions, we recommend to name your functions      // So when it fails you can at least identify easily from where      contextReducers: async function processNewVariables(context) {        return {          ...context,          newVariable: "newValue",        };      },    });  }}

We regard as a GraphQL Module an object which contains one of typeDefs, resolvers, schemaDirectives, contextReducers.

When you instantiate the server (eg: ApolloServer) and you need to pass everything, you get it from the loader:

const { typeDefs, resolvers, schemaDirectives, contextReducers } =  loader.getSchema();

Auto Loading

Given that you store your resolvers in: resolvers.ts or in *.resolvers.ts, and your types in *.graphql.ts, you are able to extract the loading module like this:

import { extract } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
// This exports a GraphQL Module, directly laodable via loader.load()export default extract(__dirname);


Resolvers are controllers. A resolver's job is usually:

  • Check if inputs are fine (Validation)
  • Check security and permission rights (Authorisation)
  • Execute the command delegated to a service (Delegation)
  • Manipulate the response to fit the client's request (Response Manipulation)

Let's imagine our resolver, to add a post:

{  Mutation: {    PostAdd(_, args, ctx) {      // do it    }  }}

The function postAdd gets transformed to an array of functions:

{  Mutation: {    PostAdd: [      // Now you can chain functions which are executed in the order here      (_, args, ctx) => {        // do things      },    ],  };}

A more concrete example:

import { execute } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
load({  typeDefs,  resolvers: {    Query: {      PostAdd: [        async function (_, args, ctx) {          const postService = ctx.container.get(PostService);          return postService.addPost(;        },      ],      PostRemove: [        // These are the plugins        CheckLoggedIn(),        CheckPostRights("postId"),        async (_, args, ctx) => {},      ],    },  },});

Resolver Maps

export default /* GraphQL */ `  type User {    firstName: String!    lastName: String!    fullName: String!  }`;
import { IResolverMap } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
export default {  User: {    fullName(user) {      return user.firstName + " " + user.lastName;    },  },} as IResolverMap; // We are using this so we benefit of autocompletion

You also have the ability to store both resolvers and types or things such as context reducers and schema directives. You should use the *.graphql-module.ts files:

import { IResolverMap } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
export default {  typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `    type Query {      saySomething: String    }  `,  resolvers: {    Query: {      saySomething: () => "Hi!",    },  } as IResolverMap,};


We regard as an executor a function that runs in a resolver chain. It's just that simple. It's a function, but we had to identify it in a specific way and give it a name so it clearly refers to a "resolver function".

Writing the CheckLoggedIn executor:

interface ICheckLoggedInConfig {  errorMessage?: string;}
const CheckLoggedIn = async function (options: ICheckLoggedInConfig) {  if (options.errorMessage) {    options.errorMessage = "User not authorized";  }
  // This returns a resolver function  return async function CheckLoggedIn(_, args, ctx) {    // We assume that if the user is ok, everytime we inject userId into the context    if (!ctx.userId) {      throw new Error(options.errorMessage);    }  };};
export default {  Query: {    PostAdd: [      // This returns a function      CheckLoggedIn({ errorMessage: "Not allowed to add post" }),      async (_, args, ctx) => {        // Add the post as no exception was thrown      },    ],  },};

Response Manipulators

You can also write response manipulators, for example your function returns undefined/false, but you want to return a success response:

load({  typeDefs: `    type Response {      success: Boolean!      errorMessage: String    }  `,  resolvers: {    Query: {      Something: [() => "something", ManipulateEndResponse()],    },  },});
import { getResult } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
const ManipulateEndResponse = () => {  return async function ManipulateEndResponse(_, args, ctx) {    // The previous result in the execution pipeline is stored in the context    // The pipeline, however, will return the response of the last element in the pipeline    const previousResponse = getResult(ctx);
    // Do whatever    return {      success: true,    };  };};

Executor Groups

When you're creating logic you're most likely want to reuse it, this is why we introduce bundling plugins:

load({  typeDefs,  resolvers: {    Query: [      // BEFORE EXECUTORS      [CheckLoggedIn()],
      // EXECUTION MAP      {        PostAdd: async (_, args, ctx, x) => {          const postService = ctx.container.get(PostService);          return postService.addPost(;        },
        PostRemove: [          CheckPostRights("postId"),          async (_, args, ctx) => {            // Run check for post rights          },        ],      },
      // AFTER      [ManipulateEndResponse()],    ],  },});


When we are dealing with a GraphQL resolver, there are 2 things we need types for usually: arguments and context. While context is the same from resolver to resolver, arguments change.

You can have additional context reducers which extend your context, to type them, use the following strategy:

import "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
declare module "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle" {  export interface IGraphQLContext {    myValue: string;  }}

For arguments, you either use a generator to transform your GraphQL types into TypeScript. Which can be good but that's an extra process you have to take care of. Usually you would use models that can be validated and the arguments should look like register(input: RegisterInput!): String. This is why you can do, in most cases, something like:

a sample resolver
import { InputType } from "@bluelibs/graphql-bundle";
type RegisterInput = {  myValue: string;};
function register(_, args: InputType<RegisterInput>, context: IGraphQLContext) {  const { input } = args;  // Type safety on input, as it is RegisterInput}



This is a fully decoupled GraphQL loading strategy which is scalable, type-safe and works with any GraphQL Server.



  • Can you have two files that define type User? What will happen when you load both? (1p)
  • Write a project in which all queries are logged and their responses and their time to execute. (3p)