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We want to send templated emails to our customers. So we decided to have a neat way to integrate React on the server which can render the emails for us, enjoying TypeSafety but also ability to have responsive emails.


npm install react react-dom @bluelibs/email-bundle @bluelibs/logger-bundle
import { EmailBundle } from "@bluelibs/email-bundle";
const kernel = new Kernel({  bundles: [    new LoggerBundle({ console: true }),    new EmailBundle({ transporter: "console" }),  ],});


// The config interface
export interface IEmailBundleConfig {  /**   * If you don't pass a transporter, a test transporter will be   * created with nodemailer (allowing you view your emails online without any SMTP).   * If the test transporter cannot be created, it will default to console   */  transporter?:    | "console" // Will console log the email data    | "nodemailer-test" // Will generate a Preview URL using nodemailer test accounts    | {        // Or simply use SMTP        host: string;        port: number;        secure?: boolean;        auth?: {          user: string;          pass: string;        };      };  defaults: {    from?: string;    /**     * Inject global properties     */    props?: any;  };}

HTTP Transport

You can use it by either providing your own custom transport, you can customise this heavily. A common example would be to use Mailgun HTTP API to send emails:

import * as mg from "nodemailer-mailgun-transport";
kernel.addBundle(  new EmailBundle({    transporter: mg({      auth: {        api_key: "xxx",        domain: "",      },    }),  }));

Read more on custom transports here:

And if you want to have a registered, service-dependency container that creates the transport inside your bundle, then, in the hook() phase, listen to BundleBeforePrepareEvent and setTransporter() with your own custom transport solution. Same logic would apply if you want to extend the global props (props that reach any email template).


Let's create an email template:

// emailService = container.get(EmailService);
export interface IWelcomeEmailProps {  name: string;}
// To send your email is easyexport function WelcomeEmail(props: IWelcomeEmailProps) {  return <div>Hello {}</div>;}
// Subject is most of the time very tied to the email template// You can omit this if you are sending the "subject" in the message configurationWelcomeEmail.subject = (props: IWelcomeEmailProps) => `Hello ${}`;

Now let's try to send an email:

// The send argument IWelcomeEmailProps is optional, but it does help you ensure the props is correctly sentawait emailService.send<IWelcomeEmailProps>(  // Template options  {    component: WelcomeEmail,    props: {      name: "Theodor",    },  },  // This argument represents the message configuration  // Explore more about it here:  {    to: "",  });

Responsive Emails

You can use to benefit of nicely rendered emails.

npm install mjml

Let's hook into it right before sending so we can transform our html:

import { Listener, On } from "@bluelibs/core";import * as mjml2html from "mjml";
class EmailListener extends Listener {  @On(EmailBeforeSendEvent)  transformMjml(event: EmailBeforeSendEvent) {    const { html } =; = mjml2html(html);  }}

Another alternative would be to use the react version of it: and bypass the need of a listener.

Global Variables

Following the same pattern as above, you can listen to emails before they get rendered via EmailBeforeRenderEvent and inject a variable such as "applicationUrl" or a router:

class EmailListener extends Listener {  @On(EmailBeforeRenderEvent)  extendProps(event: EmailBeforeRenderEvent) {    const { emailTemplate } =;
    Object.assign(emailTemplate.props, {      appUrl: "",    });  }}

And you can have a sort of "master" interface for these global props:

// Example. This will be accessible from all React email templates, as long with their defined properties.declare module "@bluelibs/email-bundle" {  export interface IGlobalEmailProps {    appUrl: "";  }}
export interface IWelcomeEmailProps {  name: string;}

Fully Customised Emails

It is also a common use-case where you send emails through a provider which lets you customize them visually. This means that you send a "key" which identifies the email, and some "props". No longer needing React templates.

To do this, implement your custom email service:

import { Service } from "@bluelibs/core";
@Service()export class AppEmailService {  // inject the things you want and do it how you like  async send(mailInfo) {    // Do send the email here.  }}

You can opt-out of sending emails completely, but still benefit of the Bundles sending emails for Password Recovery for example, you can hook into the event and make it send your own templates in your own way.

new EmailBundle({  transporter: null,});
import { EmailBeforeSendEvent } from "@bluelibs/core";
eventManager.addListener(EmailBeforeSendEvent, async (e) => {  const {    emailTemplate: { component, props },    mailOptions,  } =;
  if ( === "RecoveryPassword") {    // Match somehow the template name with the component type    // Bundles should export their email components so you can safely do the comparison  }
  // You now have to map the component, to a string of your choice and voila!  appEmailService.send("TEMPLATE", props);});



We use this bundle to send emails with react, have them responsive, fully flexible transport, cool testing without needing smtps like console printing options and full capability to opt-out.



  • Send yourself an email congratulating yourself on the fact that were able to send an email. (1p)